Notice of Public Advertisement of Planning Proposal

Published on Friday, 20 March 2020 at 12:00:00 AM

The Shire of Ashburton has received a development application for the addition of a new carport at the abovementioned property.

Details of the proposal are available for inspection at the Shire Administration Centre, Lot 1055 Ceron Street, Tom Price and on the Shire’s website (

Comments on the proposal are now invited up to and including Friday 3 April 2020 and can be emailed to [email protected] or posted to the Shire’s Chief Executive Officer at PO Box 567 Tom Price WA 6751.

All submissions must include the following information:

  • Your name, address and contact telephone number;
  • How your interests are affected; whether as a private citizen, on behalf of a company or other organisation, or as an owner or occupier of property;
  • Address of property affected (if applicable); and
  • Whether your submission is in support of, or objecting to the proposal and provide any arguments supporting your comments.

All submissions received may be made public at a Council meeting and included in a Council Agenda, which will be available on the Shire’s website, unless a submission specifically requests otherwise.