Purchasing & Procurement

Procurement - Shire of Ashburton

Thank you for your interest in working with the Shire of Ashburton. We obtain procurement and tendering via online e-procurement websites – VendorPanel one for tenders under the value of $100,000 (ex GST) and Tenderlink for purchasing above $100,000 (ex GST). We use these website(s) to publish opportunities such as tenders, quotes, requests for proposals and expressions of interest and manage the procurement process through to contract award stage.


This is a new procurement platform for purchases under $100,000 (ex GST). All suppliers both current and new will need to register with VendorPanel in order to receive invitations to quote on work required by the Shire. The platform streamlines communication between buyers (Shire staff) and suppliers, ensuring best procurement practices are followed.

Starting 24 February 2025, the Shire of Ashburton will be requesting quotations exclusively through the VendorPanel online platform.

VendorPanel Go-to-Market is FREE for suppliers to use! Once registered, suppliers will be eligible to receive invitations to quote on work required by the Shire. Click here to sign up to VendorPanel

Please contact [email protected] for more information.


Our e-procurement web address is: www.tenderlink.com/ashburton

We welcome current and potential suppliers of goods and services to register on this website. There is no charge for registration.

To use this system and to access our procurement opportunities being published, you must first be a registered provider. Once confirmed as a registered provider, you:

  • Will receive email notifications when new procurement opportunities are published in relevant categories;
  • Can download and view our associated procurement documentation electronically;
  • Will be able to submit bids and responses through our secure e-tender box facility

To ensure your tender is received before the closing deadline, we strongly recommend that you allow sufficient time to upload your tender application file(s). You will receive a receipt of application via email when you have successfully submitted your application. If you do not receive a receipt, we recommend you retry the upload.

For Technical Assistance, please contact the Tenderlink support help desk on 1800 233 533 or email [email protected] however should you have any further Procurement queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Shire of Ashburton Procurement Department directly at [email protected]

WALGA Preferred Supplier Panel

The Shire of Ashburton also utilises WALGA Preferred Supplier Panels for procurement where appropriate. Click for more information on the WALGA Preferred Supplier Program.

Please see our CURRENT Tenders on the link below:


New Supplier Form

Shire of Ashburton New Supplier Form

Note** Purchase Order Terms and Conditions: https://www.ashburton.wa.gov.au/council/governance/purchaseorders.aspx  

Please email all invoices and Monthly Statements to [email protected]

Statement of Business Ethics

The Shires statement of business ethics provides guidance about what contractors, subcontractors and suppliers can expect when conducting business with the Shire of Ashburton and the ethical standards we hold. The link to the statement can be found here: Statement of Business Ethics