Cyclone Advice - THREAT IS REDUCED - TOM PRICE, PARABURDOO and ONSLOW. Prepare now. Click here to stay updated: Emergency WA - Alerts and Warnings.
Council members play an important community leadership role and being on a Council is one way you can ensure community perspectives are heard and considered in local decision-making.
Improving your community starts with local government. If you want to make a difference to your local facilities and services, consider becoming a candidate.
Any eligible elector in the Shire of Ashburton (who is 18 years of age or older and who is not disqualified) can stand as a candidate in Shire of Ashburton local government elections. Please note, nominees of a body corporate cannot stand for election.
For more information on the role of elected members please visit the Department of Local Government's website.
It is important that candidates be aware of the general principles and broad expectations of the Shire of Ashburton's Code of Conduct for Council Members and Committee Members and Candidates and have an understanding of Council's Policy in relation to election signage.
Both these documents can be found here: Council Policies and Code of Conduct
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