Special Meeting of Council
Published on Friday, 8 November 2019 at 12:00:00 AM
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sections 5.5 (2) and 5.25 (1) (ba) of the Local Government Act 1995, that there will be a Special Meeting of Council to be held on Tuesday 12 November 2019 at the Meeting Room, Tom Price Administration Centre, Lot 246, Poinciana Street, Tom Price commencing at 6.30pm.
The purposes of the meeting is to consider the following Items:
7.1 Confidential Item - Staff Issue
7.2 Confidential Item - Appointment of Acting Chief Executive Officer
Please note that these items are of a confidential nature and will be considered by Council behind closed doors. Public are advised that when these items are to be discussed, Council will resolve to close the meeting to the public and any members of the public present will be required to vacate the Meeting Room for only that period of time the matters are being discussed.
Rob Paull
Chief Executive Officer