Proposed Cats Local Law 2023

Published on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 8:00:00 AM

Proposed Cats Local Law 2023

Notice is hereby given pursuant to s.3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995 (Act) that Council resolved at its Ordinary Meeting on 9 May 2023 to make the abovementioned local law in accordance with the requirements of the Act.

The purpose of the proposed local law is to set a ‘standard number’ of cats that may be kept on premises and deal with cats that may be a nuisance as defined in the local law. 

The effect of the proposed local law is that persons must not keep more than the standard number of cats unless provided for by the local law, the Cat Act 2011 or its associated Regulations, or be a nuisance as defined in the local law to persons in the district.

The proposed local law may be inspected at the Shire of Ashburton offices or on the Shire’s website

Public submissions are invited and may be made by 4.30pm on Friday 30 June 2023, as follows:

  • Email to [email protected]
  • In person at any Shire of Ashburton office
  • Mail to Shire of Ashburton, PO Box 567, Tom Price WA 6751

For more information, please contact the Jasmine Bray, Manager Governance on 9188 4444.



Kenn Donohoe

Chief Executive Officer