Closure of Pedestrian Access Way
Published on Monday, 6 May 2019 at 12:00:00 AM
The Shire of Ashburton intends to order that all pedestrian and vehicular traffic be permanently prohibited from using portion of Lot 62 on Deposited Plan 15205, being a Pedestrian Access Way linking Acalypha Street to Hibiscus Street in Tom Price, to allow acquisition by the adjoining lot owner.
A plan showing the details of Council’s intentions is available for inspection at Lot 256 Poinciana Street, Tom Price WA 6751 between the hours of 9:00am – 4:00pm.
Submissions may be made to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 567, Tom Price WA 6751 or [email protected] by 4.00pm Friday 14 June 2019