Published on Tuesday, 3 September 2024 at 11:05:30 AM
Throughout August, the Shire of Ashburton hosted over 40 participants at our Committee Know-How Workshops in Pannawonica, Onslow, Tom Price and Paraburdoo, facilitated by Dominique Monteleone from Wicked Strategies and representing 32 clubs and groups.
The workshops aimed to engage with these clubs and groups, informing them of the available support and providing an overview of what is required to run a successful club, including State Government requirements for associations and the day-to-day operational aspects of committees. The contributions made by all volunteers across the Shire are critical to the Pilbara lifestyle we all love and enjoy.
Thank you to Rio Tinto for their support of the workshops in Pannawonica, Paraburdoo, and Tom Price through the Inspire Partnership, and to Chevron Australia for supporting the workshop in Onslow.
For further information on the support for Clubs and Groups available from the Shire please contact Matt Bishop, Club Development Lead on 0468 473 797, or email at [email protected]
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