Shire of Ashburton initiates planning process in support of Chevron

Published on Friday, 17 December 2010 at 12:00:00 AM

The Shire of Ashburton has initiated changes to its town planning scheme to allow Chevron Australia to progress the development of the company’s Wheatstone LNG plant within the Ashburton North Strategic Industrial Area (ANSIA), located approximately 12 kilometers south west of the town of Onslow, in the Pilbara.

It is proposed that the ANSIA accommodate Chevron’s Wheatstone LNG plant, BHP Billiton’s Macedon Domestic Gas Plant, as well as other hydrocarbon related industries based on the nearby Carnarvon and Exmouth Basins. It is also proposed that a common port facility, operated by Dampier Port Authority be included within the area.

Council, at its ordinary meeting held on 15 December 2010, considered a request from Chevron Australia that Council amend its town planning scheme and that it also adopt Structure Plan for the whole ANSIA. The purpose of these planning documents is to facilitate the development of the Wheatstone LNG Project in a planned manner, which reflects the proposal’s impact on existing and future land-uses in the surrounding area.

Council conditionally agreed to the company’s request.

When questioned in relation to the matter, Shire President, Councillor Greg Musgrave said;

“This is an extremely significant step in the development of the Ashburton North Hydrocarbon Hub, and particularly Chevron’s Wheatstone LNG project This latest step in the planning process builds on the earlier, extensive planning work undertaken by the Shire, to establish guidelines that ensure co-ordinated, industrial development occurs within the ANSI,A itself, and also ensures that all development is consistent with Council’s objectives in relation to meeting the infrastructure and social requirements of the nearby town of Onslow.”

“Council has promoted it’s views in relation to the co-ordination of development within the ANSIA and the need to consider the implications of development on the social and physical infrastructure of Onslow at every opportunity and is pleasing to say that, as a result of the ongoing, open discussions between the Shire, Chevron, the State Government, Council anticipates that its expectations will be met”

He added;

“The proposed planning scheme amendment will now be referred to the Environmental Protection Authority and will also be submitted to the relevant State Government agencies for comment. It is anticipated these bodies will have responded to the Shire by February, or March when Council will determine whether to publically advertise the planning scheme amendment and the supporting Structure Plan.”

CR Musgrave concluded by saying that;

“This project is of national economic significance. The Shire is particularly excited to be involved in the planning process to ensure it becomes a reality.”

Cr Greg Musgrave
0417 080 037

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