Published on Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 1:22:58 PM
The Shire of Ashburton has continued to closely monitor mosquito activity in Paraburdoo with trapping and treatment at several identified key locations.
We would like to advise Paraburdoo residents that we will commence with a fogging program from Tuesday 1 November.
Fogging will be conducted at dusk and dawn for a period of 10 days, subject to weather conditions.
The street fogging chemical is Aqua-K-Othrine, which is a non-residual pyrethroid insecticide (phenothrin) similar to most fly sprays. It can kill any insect that flies through the fog but has no residual effect and has low toxicity to humans, birds, and most mammals.
However, it can be toxic to cats, reptiles and aquatic organisms and humans should take the precaution of avoiding direct exposure to the fog where possible, keeping their cats indoors and covering outdoor fishponds during fogging.
Beekeepers with hives in residential areas are requested to notify the location of their hives by emailing [email protected]
Any community members who wish to opt-out of the street fogging are also requested to notify their address to the same email.
After this time, we will continue in accordance with our mosquito management plan and act accordingly.
For more information about mosquito prevention around your home and property, visit HealthyWA.
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