Fight the Bite and keep mosquitoes at bay after rain

Published on Thursday, 2 June 2022 at 11:35:23 AM

Following the recent rain, community members are advised to take precaution against potential mosquito breeding.

Common breeding sites include pot plant drip trays, ponds, pet bowls, old tyres and rubbish that may collect water.

Stop mosquitoes breeding around your home by following these simple steps: 

  • Empty out or discard containers and rubbish that may hold water
  • Clean out roof gutters to prevent water from pooling
  • Empty, clean and refill bird baths, stock troughs and pet water bowls at least once a week
  • Keep swimming pools properly maintained and free of debris
  • Empty wading pools at the end of each day
  • Stock garden ponds with fish to eat mosquito larvae
  • Cover rainwater and septic tank openings, wells or other large water containers with mosquito-proof mesh
  • Keep edges of dams and ponds clear of vegetation

It is advised to cover up by wearing wear long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing, covering as much of the body as you can.

When outdoors and mosquitoes are present, apply insect repellent containing picaridin or DEET (diethyltoluamide) evenly to exposed skin. If you spend long periods of time outdoors, you may need to reapply your repellent.

Many mosquitoes are at their biting best around dusk and dawn, but some will bite day and night.

For more information visit  or contact the Shire’s Environmental Team on 08 9188 4444.

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