Pilbara Regional Waste Management Facility

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The Pilbara Regional Waste Management Facility (PRWMF) is a fully integrated industrial waste management facility located 36km from Onslow, and 42km from the Northwest Coastal Highway on Onslow Road. The PRWMF is designed to handle diverse types of waste, from non-hazardous to hazardous and various landfill categories (Class I through Class IV), ultimately delivering a range of multifaceted benefits to support business and industry in the region.

Importantly, the PRWMF promotes environmental sustainability by minimising landfill usage and fostering resource recovery through recycling and reuse. In addition, it enhances public safety by ensuring proper disposal of hazardous materials, preventing soil and water contamination and minimising negative environmental impact.

Rest assured, the PRWMF strictly complies with and exceeds Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) requirements. The PRWMF represents a comprehensive approach to total waste management, addressing environmental, regulatory and economic considerations.

The PRWMF is fast becoming the go-to provider of comprehensive waste management solutions in the Pilbara and surrounding regions. Incorporating a green waste processing complex, construction and demolition recycling operation, liquid waste, tyre, conveyor, rubber management, safe asbestos cells, and the only Class IV landfill outside of the Perth metropolitan area. The PRWMF is focused on delivering a truly one stop shop for all waste management needs both simple and complex.

Key Objectives

The key objectives of the PRWMF are to:

  • Deliver sustainable resource recovery initiatives for the Pilbara and surrounding areas;
  • Provide best practice waste disposal services for business and industry; and
  • Provide best practice regional hazardous and complex waste management services.

The Pilbara Regional Waste Management Facility facilitates economic diversification and growth by significantly reducing the cost of managing waste, including hazardous materials for the mining, oil and gas, government and other industries throughout the Shire of Ashburton, the Pilbara Region and beyond.

Funding and Project Partners

The PRWMF is a collaborative project developed to support both the immediate and future waste management needs of the region and is jointly funded by the Australian Government, Chevron, the West Australian Government and the Shire of Ashburton.

By bringing together the efforts of the Federal, State and Local governments and major industry players, the PRWMF aims to be more effective in addressing environmental, economic, and public health challenges associated with waste disposal.

Current capabilities reflect only the start of significant future developments each designed to accommodate the growing and ever-changing needs of industry and community in the region.

The Facility

The Pilbara Regional Waste Management Facility, covering approximately 67 hectares, consists of resource recovery initiatives including a greenwaste facility and construction and demolition Waste Facility to divert materials from landfill through recycling. Liquid waste facilities including the fixation ponds will be developed to cater for industrial liquid waste .The facility also includes a tyre monocell for the isolated disposal of these materials to encourage future recovery options.

A key component of the PRWMF are the Class IV landfill cells. These have been designed and constructed to meet best practice standards for hazardous waste ensuring all environmental and social risks are managed appropriately. The landfill cell consists of a double composite lining system to contain leachate and control emissions.

The Facility

Operating Hours

Monday to Friday - 8am - 4pm

Saturday - Sunday - By Appointment

Christmas, Good Friday and New Year's Day - Closed

Accepted Waste Types

  • Asbestos
  • Green waste
  • Liquid waste L100, K110, K130,K200 and K210
  • Steel
  • Clean C & D
  • Special Waste Type 02: Biomedical Waste
  • Special Waste Type 03: PFAS contaminated Waste
  • Contaminated Waste up to Class IV limits*

Types of waste

Class I Waste

  • Clean fill - material that has no harmful effect on the environment and consists of rocks or soil arising from the excavation of undisturbed material such as clay, gravel, sand and soil.
  • Type 1 inert waste - non-hazardous and non-biodegradable waste such as bricks, concrete and asphalt waste resulting from road construction.
  • Type 2 inert waste - non-biodegradable organic materials, such as shredded tyres, that are flammable and require special management to reduce the risk of fires.
  • Type 3 inert waste - material from licensed secondary waste treatment plants.
  • Contaminated solid wastes specified for class I landfills - waste that is generally capable of being moved by a spade at normal temperatures and does not contain, or is comprised of, any free liquids or liquids that may be released during transport.
  • Type 1 special waste - asbestos waste that is regarded as hazardous but which, with special management techniques, may be disposed of safely.

Class II Waste

  • Includes all Class I wastes, except for type 3 inert waste.
  • Putrescible waste - waste that is likely to become putrid such as food and plant materials.
  • Type 2 special waste - biomedical waste that does not require incineration and which is approved for supervised burial.
  • Contaminated solid waste specified for class II landfills.

Class III & IV Waste

  • Class III waste includes all Class I and Class II wastes plus additional contaminated solid wastes which meet specific criteria for Class III landfills and require specific license conditions.
  • Class IV waste includes all of the above plus further additional contaminated solid wastes.  

*NOTE: The class IV is only open to commercial customers

Contact Information

Please contact (08) 9188 4440 for more information.