Where's the Money? Ashburton Shire President and Western Mine Workers Alliance Demand Answers for New Tom Price Hospital

Published on Wednesday, 6 March 2024 at 3:51:34 PM

Shire President, Audra Smith, joined Shane Roulstone, delegate for Western Mine Workers Alliance in the long fight to secure the money promised by the State Government in 2021 for a new Tom Price Hospital

The Shire of Ashburton makes up 38% of the state’s GDP, with $34.4B in exports and $38.6B in GDP. A significant amount of that revenue is generated through the thousands of miners that work in and around Tom Price. It’s imperative that all residents, including hardworking FIFO workers, have access to the same standard of medical care as those in metropolitan areas.

President Smith is calling on the Minister for Health, Amber Sanderson, to honour the commitment to build a new Hospital in Tom Price and keep the Labor Government’s promise of a $12.8M commitment to build the hospital.

“We need the new Tom Price Hospital built now. Our hospital is outdated, and we need medical facilities that can provide quality care to our residents, including our high-risk workers in the mining sector, their families need to know that they get to go home safe every swing knowing care is there when they need it.

“Miners are the economic backbone of the WA economy, and we need a new hospital in Tom Price to meet their health needs today,” said President Smith.

“We stand with the Western Mine Workers Alliance and call on the Minister to deliver on the Labor Government’s Promise – a new hospital for Tom Price not tomorrow, not next year, today.”


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